Tech isn’t (just) science, it’s culture
What the reaction to the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement tells us about the shortcomings of modern tech journalism.
What the reaction to the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement tells us about the shortcomings of modern tech journalism.
The smart home community loves cameras. Don’t fall for it. Companies actively use fear as a sales strategy and your life will get worse because of it.
Why the Wordpress drama is just the symptom of a bigger problem and a call for digital infrastructure to be treated as a public good.
Podcast announcement0:00/122.7841× SUBSCRIBE RSS | Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Pocket Casts | Spotify So what's a guy supposed to do who already has a few podcasts that haven't released new episodes in a year or more, but that aren't officially dead yet? I think
The struggle with perfectionism is hardly unique. I myself gave up on way too many things just because I haven’t met my own expectations. This, to a degree, isn’t necessarily bad. It makes me get better at my job which in return provides me better opportunities. But it
»Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.« – Mike Tyson The one thing Twitter did right, the one thing that made it so sticky wasn’t immediacy and speed, it was access. You could actually talk to the
Nobody can remember the last time Mark Zuckerberg brought something new to the table. For a long time their business model was to buy competitors, now that they are at scale their business model ist to rip off competitors. That’s not meant as a criticism, from what I heard
E-sports companies are always lobbying to be included in the Olympic Games. And for years I have been joking that e-sports should be treated as sports because they lead to the exact same disinterest in me. I like playing games, virtual or real, but watching someone else do it never
The first time I experienced how great movies can be, even at home, was 2019 when I got my OLED Television (A 55″ LG B9 that i still use.) It wasn’t about the 4k resolution. But the perfect contrast of pixel accurate dimming and true HDR performance truly changed
James Hoffmann likes coffee. In fact he likes coffee so much that it‘s barely possible to escape his online presence, even if you don’t really care for hot beverages. Because even if you are fine with what your basic filter machine has to offer, there is no way
Game exclusives are the stupidest thing in the world. I own a Playstation 5 – a console that Sony lost money on when I bought it. I own an Xbox Series X – a badly named console that Microsoft lost money on when I bought it. I own a gaming PC that
That journalists are incentivised to become their own brands is not a new development. Back then it lead to lucrative television gigs, now you can launch a newsletter and a career on Youtube. It’s also often the only option left if you want to be in journalism. Buzzfeed News
Die wahre Hölle sind die Powerpoint-Selbstinszenierungen der Generation Y Vor drei Wochen überfiel die islamistische Terrororganisation Hamas die israelische Zivilbevölkerung und das folgende Massaker war der größte Verlust jüdischen Lebens seit des Holocausts. Seitdem überschlägt sich die westliche Linke mit Takes, die an Dummheit, Dreistigkeit und Unsäglichkeit nicht zu überbieten
Wir leben im goldenen Alter von Star Trek. Kaum ist die eine Staffel vorbei, startet die nächste Serie mit einer neuen. Christopher Pike in Strange New Worlds ist in meinen Augen der beste Captain, den wir je gesehen haben und Shows wie Discovery und Prodigy probieren wirklich neue Dinge in
Wer sich bei einer Social-Media-Plattform anmeldet, muss darüber schreiben, wie es auf der Seite so ist. Dementsprechend ist es nur logisch, dass ich bei meinem tausendsten Versuch zu bloggen, erstmal darüber schreibe, was meine große Schwierigkeit beim Bloggen ist. Die Verwertungslogik. Mein Ideal wäre ein persönliches Blog. Die Art Webseite,